LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Pokemon Ad, Is a FAKE site! Do not dare, download the thing on the Site! Its A keylogger, Its a COPY of a game, If you want the game, The real one is on this site: Note that this is what it said: from the site IMPORTANT WARNING! It has come to our attention that a website with the address, has been advertising our game and distributing a download. The website begins with the disclaimer: "To download and play the Pokemon World Online game you must also download and install Zango. It's free and very easy to install and will give you access to the full game." If you are directed to the site, DO NOT DOWNLOAD the game there at any cost! Zango is an Adware program that forces adverts to appear on your computer and can download other malicious software onto your computer. Using the game offered by will download Zango to your computer and possibly invade your privacy! We would like to remind our users that only the site listed below is official. Downloads from these sites are 100% safe and adware-free, and using them means you always have the latest and greatest version of our game: is NOT an official site and we have nothing to do with it, so steer clear! If, however, you have downloaded a copy of our game from, you should delete it immediately and scan your computer for Adware. This topic on our Forums explains exactly how to do this, and gives more detail on the Zango scandal, so please check it out! And please everyone, remember golden rule number two of the internet: Always go for the OFFICIAL sources! Happy training! Comments Posted 14-Jul-2008 Remeber that we try to Keep our Site the best, and protected, Just for you! Photobucket Affilites Simple Machine Codes Photobucket
CodingWorld & Cerdanews & The Poke`mon Leauge's Community / RuneScape HideOut
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News: Never Ever go to Maliciously Sites!
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xx Notice:!:!:! We are moving to a New Version I a while! Be prepared!!!
August 11, 2008, 11:38:15 pm by Lucas A33

It is decided that I will build a new 5th Version. This advertisement Warning will not Be there! So read these warings Before you go. The site, will be starting.  The site will start  Monday. This site will be closing on Friday. While the Next URL Will be placed onto this topic on Wensday Giving me time on rebuilding the site. This site will be Version 5. The reason is the Traffic is almost 4% but that 4% is guest. We will be improving the Maturity on the Next forum.  If you are having trouble viewing some pages due to bandwith, Im am so sorry, But On this next forum, I will limit the Pictures, and Features.

The Affilites, Spell check, Portal Comment system, BLUE
Music, Of all of them will stay. More will stay, Such as
the Posting, But the good news is, we will have our smileys
back! I will allow guest to edit this post soon as I can. Please
Tell your freinds to join. As the title is long, when the New
forum comes out, it will Be known as Only CodingWorld. The
site is going to be Impoved greatly by this, and since the
Admin Control panel (Smileys) is a pain in a kenister, This
will be on of the best ways. Right now

Even Im lagging. Well, I will decied. Thank you for reading.

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xx = BAD!
August 04, 2008, 12:35:38 am by Lucas A33

LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Pokemon Ad, Is a FAKE site! Do not dare, download the thing on the Site! Its A keylogger, Its a COPY of a game, If you want the game, The real one is on this site: Note that this is what it said: from the site IMPORTANT WARNING! It has come to our attention that a website with the address, has been advertising our game and distributing a download. The website begins with the disclaimer: "To download and play the Pokemon World Online game you must also download and install Zango. It's free and very easy to install and will give you access to the full game." If you are directed to the site, DO NOT DOWNLOAD the game there at any cost! Zango is an Adware program that forces adverts to appear on your computer and can download other malicious software onto your computer. Using the game offered by will download Zango to your computer and possibly invade your privacy! We would like to remind our users that only the site listed below is official. Downloads from these sites are 100% safe and adware-free, and using them means you always have the latest and greatest version of our game: is NOT an official site and we have nothing to do with it, so steer clear! If, however, you have downloaded a copy of our game from, you should delete it immediately and scan your computer for Adware. This topic on our Forums explains exactly how to do this, and gives more detail on the Zango scandal, so please check it out! And please everyone, remember golden rule number two of the internet: Always go for the OFFICIAL sources! Happy training! Comments Posted 14-Jul-2008 Remeber that we try to Keep our Site the best, and protected, Just for you!

Please Keep Safe On the internet!!! If we ever spot any more bugs, we will post them here! Keep Posted to this!

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sad July 6th, Smily Ban still is going on!
July 06, 2008, 12:57:59 pm by Lucas A33

Im still tryiing to fix this!

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smiley PTC
July 06, 2008, 12:57:09 pm by Lucas A33

We are now affilighted with PTC!

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smiley SM CODES
July 06, 2008, 12:56:26 pm by Lucas A33

We now affilite SM CODES!

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xx June 4, 2008 - Happy 4th of July!
July 06, 2008, 12:55:23 pm by Lucas A33

We wish you a happy 4th of july.
We wish you a happy 4th of july!
We wish you a happy 4th of july,
and hope you grill out!
Watching fiiiiireworks, with lemonade
We wish you a happy 4th of julu.
We wish you a happy 4th of july!
We wish you a happy 4th of julu,
and hope yoooooooouu enjoyyyy


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exclamation Smiley Ban
June 27, 2008, 08:17:17 pm by Lucas A33

Recently A problem with the smileys. Now
they are all gone. I will fix this asap!
Please be patiant! I will fix this really!

In other news:


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xx The Pokemon League Lottory
June 27, 2008, 06:36:20 pm by umbreon72

Hi I am the leader of the Pokemon League guild for wonderland online. We will now be hosting a new event. The Guild Lottery. The guild lottery will work like this.

1.Come to requested area for the lottery.
2.Buy tickets for 200gp(max of 5 tickets per character)(tickets are not real you will receive a number and if your number is called later you are a winner)
3.In an hour I will announce the winners

The prizes are
1st place-3/6 the raised money
2nd place-2/6 the raised money
3rd place- 1/6 the raised money
4th place and below-100gp

The first lottery will be in the month of July,2008

The lottery is once a month.Don't forget your number!!!

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xx Massive Remake of the Site
June 26, 2008, 10:10:27 pm by Lucas A33

           Yep, as you may have known, we are slowing down on the updates.
Well, We have found over our break, MASSIVE and when I say Massive,
I mean MASSIVE Load of updates! So when Is this going to start? Next
Week! Im looking for more and more ideas! So If you know something,
Tell me! 

Im remaking icons. Look at the search at the top. See the picture of Link>
The one with the yellow hair and green hat? That used to be  A Magnafine
Glass. Now look. We have  also remodled our NO AND NEW POST.

We plan to make CODING CENTREL. We also plan to make our OFFICIAL
SITE better. Not that is [X] is by a tab, It is broken. [J] Means tab is
We plan to make lotsa more. So keep tuned!

In other news:

We don't have many posters! So please help us and ADVERTISE
US! We have advertisment banners!

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xx A warm welcome to THE POKEMON LEAUGE!
June 26, 2008, 07:12:24 pm by Lucas A33

            From Wonderland Online! Welcome

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Fan Music
Welcome To CodingWorld, and The Pokemon Leauges Communtiy
I would like to welcome all! If you are a guest, Please Regiester! I really need posters or the forums post count will go down! This site is all codingworld. The Poke`mon League is sharing with us! We now are making a RuneScape HQ Here.

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!
Is Lucas A33 on? [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Rules: 1. No Spamming 2. No cussing' 3. No asking for Reputation ----------------------------------------------- Consiqunese: 1. Warning 2. Ban for 1-3 days 3. Ban for 6-10 day 4. Ban forever
Testing Is coming Really SOon!
Welcome back! As you see, the site is open again! The test was Quick and easy go! Our Recent test Was July, 9 , 2008! Our next one will be August 9, 2008! Keep this date in mind, as you will need to remember it! ---- UPDATE ---- Testing Is extremely close and is the 3rd reminder. ::DANGER!!::
LISTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Pokemon Ad, Is a FAKE site! Do not dare, download the thing on the Site! Its A keylogger, Its a COPY of a game, If you want the game, The real one is on this site: Note that this is what it said: from the site IMPORTANT WARNING! It has come to our attention that a website with the address, has been advertising our game and distributing a download. The website begins with the disclaimer: "To download and play the Pokemon World Online game you must also download and install Zango. It's free and very easy to install and will give you access to the full game." If you are directed to the site, DO NOT DOWNLOAD the game there at any cost! Zango is an Adware program that forces adverts to appear on your computer and can download other malicious software onto your computer. Using the game offered by will download Zango to your computer and possibly invade your privacy! We would like to remind our users that only the site listed below is official. Downloads from these sites are 100% safe and adware-free, and using them means you always have the latest and greatest version of our game: is NOT an official site and we have nothing to do with it, so steer clear! If, however, you have downloaded a copy of our game from, you should delete it immediately and scan your computer for Adware. This topic on our Forums explains exactly how to do this, and gives more detail on the Zango scandal, so please check it out! And please everyone, remember golden rule number two of the internet: Always go for the OFFICIAL sources! Happy training! Comments Posted 14-Jul-2008 Remeber that we try to Keep our Site the best, and protected, Just for you!
Watch out For Malicously Websites!!
[b] Never Ever go to Maliciously Sites! [/b] Some people that joins will advertise a link you have never been before. Watch out for this. If you ever get an Advertisement in a PM, Report it Immediately, I cannot view the PM's you Send to friends, So hit the report button!
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